Mineral tree iPad app

MineralTree partners with banks to drive revenue, value, and innovation in SMB payments. MineralTree delivers secure, online payments solutions to banks that are specifically designed to meet the needs of their small and medium business customers.Their solution provides a simple, streamlined approach that brings new efficiency, security, and convenience to payments and cash management processes.


Define and design their first product; an iPad application delivering secure, mobile integrated payments for SMBs. The design mandate was to create an iPad application which could allow SMB executives to approve payments using their iPad.


MineralTree had just incorporated and the founder had identified that the way SMBs make payments was insecure and poorly serviced. He wanted to deliver a solution he could sell to banks as a white-label product.


  • Myself, 1 visual designer, 1 director (limited involvement)
  • Role: Interaction designer

Project duration 

19 days


  • An end-to-end flow for an iPad payments review and approve app
  • A limited set of wireframes of a desktop app interface to show how the iPad app interactions connected to a larger payments workflow
  • A light specification which articulated the main ideas and the spirit of the design